

明矾的故事 | 03.27.2024

作者:校友会副主席Karen Aeschliman Hurley

我们在全国各地深受喜爱的当地SMWC校友社区已经充斥着大量充满活力的活动, each fostering a sense of reconnection, 同志情谊, and celebration. From happy hours to festivals to charitable service projects, SMWC alums alike have embraced these opportunities to connect, 参与, and give back. 此外, amidst the lively backdrop of local events, 一个显著的趋势已经出现:校友参与的人数显著增加, 振兴这些聚会,加强将我们联系在一起的森林纽带.

SMWC 校友 Association Board of Directors
校友委员会于2021年2月发起了一项基层运动,目的是在2019冠状病毒病大流行之后,让校友与学院重新建立联系. After nearly two years of isolation, 董事会抓住机会联系校友,让他们与学院重新建立联系. 通过社交媒体与校友保持一致的沟通对我们的努力至关重要, the Onyx Anneau, The View from the Avenue newsletter and other mediums. 每位董事会成员都负责策划至少一次当地活动,以重新联系校友,并对校友的参与表示感谢,以维持校友在活动结束后的参与. By fostering a sense of community, 归属感, and highlighting the impact of alumni participation, 我们的目标是激发校友对学院的更大程度的参与.

Diverse Array of 博彩平台网址大全
Throughout the past year, our local communities have played host to an array of alumni events, each offering something unique to alums from all graduate decades, 类, and interests. From the colorful festivities of our local events, showcasing the rich traditions that make SMWC alums so vibrant, to the exhilarating activities reverberated with infectious energy, there was no shortage of excitement and entertainment.

Charitable service projects also took center stage, 为重要的事业争取支持,展示校友群体的集体慷慨. 这些活动有力地提醒了我们志愿者服务的重要性,也提醒了SMWC在我们带着目标和同情心聚集在一起时所能产生的影响.

Rising 校友 Engagement
这些活动的一个特别值得注意的方面是校友参与的显著增加. 校友 have been turning out in force, eager to reconnect with old friends and make new ones, reminisce about shared memories at The Woods, 并重新发现SMWC的同志精神,这种精神定义了他们的大学或硕士学位.

从校友活动到特殊项目,再到班级聚会和返校庆典, SMWC的校友们一直在热情地重新联系并重新点燃他们与伍兹的联系. 他们的存在为这些博彩平台网址大全注入了怀旧和连续性的感觉, 弥合过去和现在之间的差距,为未来的年轻校友和硕士学位获得者奠定基础.

为SMWC的年轻校友们计划了几项活动,比如“Woodsies” & Wine” at vineyards and tasting rooms around the Midwest. Young alumni events, whether at local events or at 首页coming and Reunion, offer a chance to reunite with classmates and friends, 回忆大学时光,聊聊彼此的生活. 这些联系对个人和职业都很有意义, fostering a sense of 归属感 and support. 参与年轻校友活动有助于增强伍兹校友网络的整体实力. By staying connected and 参与d, 它有助于培养一个充满活力的伍兹毕业生社区,他们在专业和个人方面相互支持, as well as maintain strong ties with SMWC. 与校友交流并参与各种主题的对话可以拓宽视野并刺激个人成长. 这些经历不仅有趣,而且可以丰富我们的日常生活.

Building Bridges and Fostering Connections
校友参与人数的激增凸显了普罗维登斯大学的持久影响,以及伍兹戒指给校友们灌输的深刻归属感. 通过积极参与校友,并邀请他们成为我们心爱的大学正在进行的故事的一部分, 我们不仅尊重我们的遗产和贡献,而且丰富了我们共同的森林经历.

让我们继续发扬SMWC校友的精神,发扬伍兹特有的合作精神. 无论是为节日活动聚会,还是为支持重要事业而聚会, 让我们从团结我们的纽带中汲取力量,庆祝使我们深爱的大学真正与众不同的各种经历. 我们邀请您参加当地的校友活动,在那里我们可以走到一起,继续圣玛丽森林学院的丰富传统.

校友 博彩平台网址大全
July 23, 2023, INDIANAPOLIS, IN – Newfields Art Museum and Lunch
September 13, 2023, WISCONSIN, WI – Sheboygan Yacht Club Luncheon
September 24, 2023, CHICAGO, IL – The Long Grove Apple Fest
September 30, 2023, DANVILLE, IN – Octoberfest
September 30, 2023, INDIANAPOLIS, IN – Indy Eleven Game
October 6, 2023, TERRE HAUTE, IN – 年轻的校友 “Woodsies & Wine” Sycamore Winery
2023年10月7日,特雷霍特,IN -校友会的发展委员会尾门校友帐篷
2023年10月7日,TERRE HAUTE, IN -年轻校友啤酒帐篷返校
November 4, 2023, MONTGOMERY, OH – Stone Creek Dining Event
November 4, 2023, ANCHORAGE, AK – Pacific Coast Zoom Happy Hour
November 11, 2023, LOUISVILLE, KY – 年轻的校友 “Woodsies & Wine” Copper and Kings Rooftop Bar
December 2, 2023, BLOOMINGTON, IN –   年轻的校友 “Woodsies & Wine Oliver Winery
2023年12月9日,安克雷奇,AK -太平洋海岸Zoom热可可欢乐时光
January 27, 2024, CHARLOTTE, NC – RH Rooftop Restaurant Luncheon
January 27, 2024, INDIANAPOLIS, IN – 年轻的校友 “Woodsies & Wine” Buck Creek Winery
2024年2月6日,TERRE HAUTE, IN - Azzip Pizza and Culvers聚会
February 17, 2024, INDIANAPOLIS, IN – 年轻的校友 “Woodsies & Wine” Great Legs Wine Bar in Garage Food Hall
March 2, 2024, FRENCH LICK, IN – 年轻的校友 “Woodsies & Wine” Frenchlick Winery
March 16, 2024, ST. JOHN, IN – Shrine of Christ Tour and Lunch
May 25, 2024, INDIANAPOLIS, IN – Indy 500 Festival Parade* upcoming